With Great Power… (Tuesday Night Recap, 7.10)

Set List: You Are Holy, By My Side

Scripture Used: 1 Samuel 16; 1 Samuel 18.5-16; 1 Samuel 24; Genesis 1.27; John 14.15; Matthew 28.18-20

Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 1.18

Additional Resources Used: None (no media tonight)

Evening in a Sentence: Spider-Man and David were not looking for the limelight, but they were thrust into the role, and even though they are both hunted they strive to do good and serve others around them.

Element of Fun: Web Away. 3-4 students will compete head-to-head in an attempt to be the first to completely encase their target in silly string. Each teen will be given 2 cans of silly string and a target to shoot at from a pre-arranged distance. If students have not covered their target within 2 minutes, the one who has covered the most will be declared the winner.

What Worked: We had our largest number of students out for a Super Summer so far, which allowed for a lot of things to go on and a lot of relationship building to happen. Soccer was a great change-of-pace for the group. We saw the return of some students who have been checking our church out, and the introduction of a new student into the group that has been away from the church as an organization for a while. Our music was passionate and boisterous. Students were able to own a couple of parts of the evening (cooking and leading the organized game, some discussion group time). Splitting our discussion groups without limiting the break along gender lines was a fantastic move. And to top it all off, the teaching really did stick with many of the group.

What Needs Work: The challenge fell apart, as we ran out of web fluid and the replacement canister was not where it was supposed to be. We lost a lot of people as soon as we needed help to clean up the site. We were a bit understaffed this week.

Summary: Tonight may have been our best yet. There were some new students, a lot of returning ones, and there was a genuine sense of community. We can see real bonds forming and leaders beginning to emerge, which excites me for what we can expect come fall.

Student Numbers: 20

Leader Numbers: 4