Published Work

I am an amateur video creator, both for my ministry and on my own, and contribute to the Youth Ministry community at large with Bible Studies and articles that I write. This page is your source for links to anything that I have had published through the web.



My Cell Phone as an Offering – an article detailing how to cut down on cell phone distractions during Student Ministry meetings and small group meetings.

When Lengthy Prayer Requests Monopolize Your Time – an article that helps with the problem of teens who like to monopolize the prayer request time in your meetings.


Bible Studies/Lesson Series

Prayer, Fasting & Dreaming – A single evening interactive experience for students to engage in the practice of prayer, explore the concept of fasting, and seek out God’s dreams for their lives. Hosted @

FETAL – A single-evening interactive experience for students to encounter issues of sexual purity, pregnancy and abortion from both a human perspective, and from what God has to say about all three issues. Hosted @

Heaven & Hell – A 2-part series that explores what Scripture has to say about both heaven and hell, as well as how that should impact how we live our lives today. Hosted @

FAITH: – FAITH: is a 6-part study series that explores what other major world faith systems believe (in broad strokes), and then compares it to what Christianity believes and follows. Faith systems explored: Paganism, Wicca, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, Islam, Buddhism & Hinduism. Hosted @

Salt & Light Prayer Stations Package – This is a one-night (or day) package of interactive prayer stations that walks participants through the familiar passage in Matthew 5 that calls Christians to be salt and light to the world. Hosted @

The End… – This is a 3-part series designed to walk your group through some of the major themes found in the book of Revelation. It will answer many questions and inspire not only more questions, but more discussion. Hosted @ Life in Student Ministry.

Evangelism For My Life – This is a 5-part series designed to educate and equip teenagers to be able to effectively share the Gospel with their peers. Hosted @ Life in Student Ministry.

Communicating With Teenagers – A seminar for parents geared toward helping them to improve their communication skills with their teens. Hosted @ Life in Student Ministry.

Post-Modernity Seminar – A seminar intended to inform and educate parents and adult volunteers about cultural and ideological shifts that accompany the change from Modern thought to Post-Modern thought. Very helpful to understand why teens act and think the ways that they do at times. Hosted @ Life in Student Ministry.

How to Read Your Bible – A 2-part Bible Study that helps teens understand the basics of effective Bible study and their need to engage their mind in studying the Scriptures. Hosted @ Life in Student Ministry.

What is Love? (Baby Don’t Hurt Me…) – A 2-part Bible Study designed to help students understand what love is, what it is not, and how Scripture informs us to treat love in our lives. Hosted @ Life in Student Ministry.

God of Wrath – A Bible study that explores God’s anger. Is it real? Why would He get angry? What happens when He gets angry? How does this affect us? Hosted @ Life in Student Ministry.

What is the Church? – A Bible study that explores a brief history of the organized church, some of the differences in denominations, and leads into discussion on why the Church is important today. Unfortunately, the third part (the Church Today) no longer exists in written form, as the original file became corrupted, and I have not yet re-written it. Hosted @ Life in Student Ministry.



I host videos on several sites. Click on the image to be transported directly to that site’s page. Check back, as I am working on getting the new logos up.
