You Must Read This Book!

contemplative.jpgAfter setting down Contemplative Youth Ministry, I am left desiring more. More teaching in the gentle voice of Mark Yaconelli. More encouraging stories of ministries who have successfully integrated a more contemplative approach to doing ministry to and with teens. More examples of how we can all incorporate elements of contemplation into both our lives and our ministries.

Mark is a bit of a mystic (much like his father – Mike – was and John Eldredge, Rob Bell and Brian McLaren are), choosing to focus a lot of attention on the practice of living in God’s presence. This is a very important element of the Christian life that many of us forget. We need to rest in the presence of God, for out of this, our real ministry springs. Mark also spends much time focusing upon integrating ancient practices, such as the lectio divina, the liturgy for discernment, and the awareness examen, into weekly youth ministry staff meetings and regular youth programming. These are just a couple of the items that make this book such an important resource.

Mark’s storytelling method truly invites the reader in to experience the events he is sharing about. He draws you in and includes you, as if you were there as it was happening. He speaks of more effective ways to call volunteers into ministry alongside us. And he is honest. Honest about his own faults, his own shortcomings and failures… and honest about the fact that not every ancient practice will go over well with each youth group. We need to listen to see where our teens are most alive to adequately “program” for them. We need to remember that just as Christ is always present, He is just as present in the thoughts and the hearts of our teens. We need to keep open minds to their thoughts, their feelings, their ideas. They just may prove to be our greatest teachers.

I firmly believe that every youth minister – paid staff or volunteer – should incorporate this book into their own education. There is so much that can help us as we seek to help guide students to Christ. There are things that will not work for us (just as in any model of youth ministry, portions work because of the group that it is coming from; unique talents, temperaments, abilities) – but there is so much to be found within the pages of this book that will help us… even if it is only put into play so far as guiding our own Spiritual journeys. Read this book. Meditate upon this book. Use this book.

Other helpful books in this vein:

Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell

The Secret Message of Jesus by Brian McLaren

Journey of Desire by John Eldredge

Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli