Category Archive: Humor

Give Your Students More Ownership

Help your teens own the ministry.

My Daughter Has a New Mission

Abby has stepped into a new realm of creativity…

Fall Fest Frivolity

Fall Fest is done, and here is the video proof that it was a blast.

The Weekend Update on the Big Screen

The Weekend Update is back…

The Overshow Pilot (video)

I like to make videos that aren’t just announcements…

SLTakeover: The Recap

Highlights from our Student Leaders taking over one80’s Wednesday night program.

A Winter Wonderland of Announcements

What happens when the weekend announcements get caught up in Christmas?

How Did You Find Me? vol. 22

It is interesting to see how people stumble across my blog…


What happens when you add me, my brother-in-law, a video camera and a trip to Walmart together?

The Tiki Dance

We lit the Tiki torches in our back yard for the first time this summer. I told Abby that after the torches had been lit for 5 minutes, they would make Grandma dance.… Continue reading